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LAB MANUAL for Data And Telecommunications

  Router Configuration Lab Report 1. Introduction Objective : The purpose of this lab is to configure a router with various settings and verify the communication between devices on different networks. Tools/Software Used : Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3, Physical Router etc. Topology : Brief description of the network topology, including the routers, switches, and devices used.                                 যদি কারো ল্যাব রিপোর্ট লাগে কমেন্টে ইমেইল কমেন্ট করে দিন পাঠানো হবে। Lab Report PDF

What is Process Synchronization?

 Process Synchronization is the coordination of processes to ensure that they operate without conflicts when accessing shared resources, such as memory, data structures, or devices. It’s crucial in multi-tasking environments, where processes may be running concurrently and trying to access shared data, leading to inconsistencies if not managed properly.

Key Concepts in Process Synchronization:

  1. Critical Section:

    • A critical section is a segment of code in which a process accesses shared resources (such as shared data structures, memory, or files).
    • The goal is to ensure that only one process can execute its critical section at any given time to prevent data corruption.
  2. Race Condition:

    • A race condition occurs when the outcome of a process depends on the non-deterministic order in which processes access shared resources.
    • Without proper synchronization, multiple processes can simultaneously modify shared data, leading to inconsistent or incorrect results.
  3. Mutual Exclusion:

    • Mutual exclusion is a concept that ensures that only one process at a time can execute a critical section of code.
    • This prevents the simultaneous execution of the critical section by multiple processes, thus preventing race conditions.

Common Process Synchronization Problems:

  1. Bounded Buffer Problem (Producer-Consumer Problem):

    • Scenario: A producer produces data items and stores them in a bounded buffer. A consumer consumes these items. The producer must wait if the buffer is full, and the consumer must wait if the buffer is empty.
    • Solution: Use semaphores or mutex locks to synchronize access to the buffer, ensuring that the producer and consumer don’t access it simultaneously.
  2. Readers-Writers Problem:

    • Scenario: Multiple processes (readers) can read from shared data, but only one process (writer) can modify the data. The problem arises when trying to allow multiple readers but ensuring that no reader can read while a writer is writing.
    • Solution: Use reader-writer locks to allow multiple readers to access the shared data simultaneously, but ensure mutual exclusion for the writer.
  3. Dining Philosophers Problem:

    • Scenario: Philosophers sit at a table with forks between them. To eat, a philosopher needs two forks, leading to potential deadlock if each philosopher picks up one fork and waits for the other.
    • Solution: Implement strategies like allowing only four philosophers to pick up forks at once or using a mutex or semaphore to ensure no deadlock occurs.

Synchronization Mechanisms:

Several mechanisms are used to achieve synchronization and prevent problems like race conditions, deadlocks, and starvation:

  1. Mutex (Mutual Exclusion Locks):

    • Purpose: Ensures that only one process at a time can access the critical section.
    • How it works: A process locks the mutex before entering the critical section and releases the mutex after exiting, preventing other processes from entering until the lock is released.
    • Problem: Overuse can lead to deadlocks if not carefully managed.
  2. Semaphores:

    • Purpose: A semaphore is a signaling mechanism to synchronize processes.
    • Types:
      • Binary Semaphore (also known as a mutex): Takes the value 0 or 1, where 0 means the resource is unavailable, and 1 means it’s available.
      • Counting Semaphore: Allows more than one process to access a resource concurrently (useful in the case of multiple resources).
    • How it works: Processes increment (signal) or decrement (wait) the semaphore value to control access to a resource. The semaphore value reflects the number of available resources.
  3. Monitors:

    • Purpose: Monitors are high-level synchronization constructs that provide mutual exclusion and the ability to wait for conditions to be met.
    • How it works: A monitor encapsulates shared resources and ensures that only one process can execute inside the monitor at a time. Processes can also wait inside the monitor until specific conditions are met.
    • Benefit: They simplify synchronization logic by bundling mutual exclusion and condition management together.
  4. Condition Variables:

    • Purpose: Used in conjunction with mutexes, condition variables allow processes to wait until a particular condition becomes true.
    • How it works: A process can release the associated mutex and enter a waiting state until another process signals that the condition is satisfied, at which point the waiting process can re-acquire the mutex and proceed.
  5. Spinlocks:

    • Purpose: A lightweight locking mechanism used in multiprocessor systems.
    • How it works: A process repeatedly checks if the lock is available. When the lock becomes available, the process acquires it and enters the critical section.
    • Problem: Spinlocks can waste CPU cycles since a process keeps checking for the lock instead of sleeping, making them inefficient for long wait times but useful for short, fast locks.
  6. Barriers:

    • Purpose: Ensure that a group of processes reaches a certain point before any of them proceed further.
    • How it works: Each process waits at the barrier until all other processes have reached it. Once all processes have reached the barrier, they can all continue executing.

Deadlock, Starvation, and Livelock in Process Synchronization:

  1. Deadlock:

    • Definition: Deadlock occurs when two or more processes are stuck waiting for resources that are held by each other, leading to an indefinite waiting period.
    • Conditions for Deadlock:
      • Mutual Exclusion: Only one process can hold a resource at a time.
      • Hold and Wait: A process holding a resource can request additional resources held by other processes.
      • No Preemption: Resources can’t be forcibly taken from a process.
      • Circular Wait: A circular chain of processes exists, where each process is waiting for a resource held by the next.
    • Solution: Techniques like deadlock prevention (preventing one or more of the above conditions), deadlock avoidance (using algorithms like the Banker’s Algorithm), or deadlock detection (monitoring for deadlocks and resolving them by killing processes).
  2. Starvation:

    • Definition: Starvation occurs when a process waits indefinitely because other processes are continuously given preference over it.
    • Solution: Techniques like aging (gradually increasing the priority of waiting processes) help prevent starvation.
  3. Livelock:

    • Definition: Livelock occurs when processes continuously change their states in response to each other without making any real progress (they are active but not progressing).
    • Solution: Careful design of synchronization algorithms to ensure forward progress.

Example Problem: The Bounded Buffer (Producer-Consumer)

The bounded buffer problem is a classical synchronization problem where producers add items to a shared buffer and consumers remove them. The buffer has a finite size, and synchronization is needed to ensure that:

  • Producers don’t add items when the buffer is full.
  • Consumers don’t remove items when the buffer is empty.

Solution using Semaphores:

semaphore full = 0; // Count of filled slots semaphore empty = N; // Count of empty slots (buffer size N) mutex bufferLock = 1; // Mutex to protect buffer access producer() { while (true) { produce_item(); // Generate an item wait(empty); // Wait if the buffer is full wait(bufferLock); // Lock the buffer add_item_to_buffer(); // Add the item signal(bufferLock); // Unlock the buffer signal(full); // Increment filled slots } } consumer() { while (true) { wait(full); // Wait if the buffer is empty wait(bufferLock); // Lock the buffer remove_item_from_buffer(); // Remove the item signal(bufferLock); // Unlock the buffer signal(empty); // Increment empty slots consume_item(); // Consume the item } }

In this example:

  • The empty semaphore ensures that the producer waits if the buffer is full.
  • The full semaphore ensures that the consumer waits if the buffer is empty.
  • The mutex ensures mutual exclusion when accessing the shared buffer.


Process synchronization is essential for ensuring that concurrent processes access shared resources safely and efficiently. By using synchronization primitives like mutexes, semaphores, monitors, and condition variables, we can solve common synchronization problems like race conditions, deadlocks, and starvation. Designing effective synchronization strategies requires careful consideration of system requirements, process behavior, and resource availability.


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